Welcome to Gujaratjobgk. As we all know in all competitive exams Gujarat itihas is very important. In all Government job exam Gujarat itihas based questions ask approx 10% to 15%. So this topic is very helpful to crack government job exams. History of Gujarat based questions asked in exams like GPSC, TALATI, BINSACHIVALAY, PSI, ASI, TET, TAT, HTAT, DY SO, MAMLATDAR, ACCOUNTANT, constable and all other exams.
Gujarat itihas topics:
- ડાયનોસર યુગ
- સિંધુખીણ સંસ્કૃતિ
- મૌર્ય યુગ
- એનુ-મૌર્ય યુગ
- ગુપ્ત યુગ
- મૈત્રક યુગ
- એનુ-મૈત્રક યુગ
- ચાવડા વંશ
- સોલંકી યુગ
- વાઘેલા વંશ
- દિલ્લી સલ્તનત
- ગુજરાત સલ્તન
- મુઘલ સલ્તનત
- ઇસ્ટ ઇન્ડિયા કંપની
- સ્વતંત્ર સંગ્રામ-1857
This all topics is Covered in video lectures from part-1 to part-9. So watch our all video for preparation of government exam. This all video is prepared by Knowledge guru. If you want to watch all other videos like maths, Reasoning, Gujarat no itihas, current affairs, history of India, Gujarati vyakaran, English grammar, old paper solution please subscribe this YouTube channel and click on bell icon so you get notification of all latest videos.
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In this blog we also upload VIDEO LECTURES and PDF of GK, All types Most Important Study Materials Related General Knowledge,English Grammar, Gujarati Grammar, Maths, Science, History, Geography, Model Papers, Exams Old Papers, GK In Mp3 And Video Formats For All types COMPETITIVE EXAMS Like TET/TAT/HTAT, GPSC, Talati, Clerk, Police Constable And All Others.